Rudolph Attorneys at Law
Partnerschaftsgesellschaft mbB (partnership company with limited professional liability)
Westtorgraben 1
90429 Nuremberg
Phone: +49 911 999 396 – 0
Fax: +49 911 999 396 – 16
Responsible for the content of this website is Dr. Tobias Rudolph.
The attorneys at Rudolph Rechtsanwälte are members of the
Nuremberg Bar Association
Fürther Straße 115
90429 Nuremberg
Phone: (+49) 911 926 33 – 0
The professional title Rechtsanwalt was awarded by the Federal Republic of Germany.
Tax number: 238/264/42212
Value added tax ID: DE231704269
Professional liability insurance:
HDI Gerling Firmen und Privat Vers. AG, P.O. Box 25 03 09, 90128 Nuremberg, Germany
The following professional regulations apply:
Federal Lawyers’ Act (BRAO)
Professional Code of Conduct (BORA)
Specialist Lawyers’ Regulations (FAO)
Lawyers’ Fees Act (RVG)
Code of Conduct for Lawyers in the European Union (CCBE)
The professional regulations can be viewed and accessed on the homepage of the Federal Bar Association ( under “Professional Law”.
Before accepting a mandate, it is checked whether there is a conflict of interest within the meaning of Section 43a (4) BRAO. The protection of conflicting interests is part of the professional rights of lawyers.